Why Should I Look into Hiring a Property Manager in Greenville, NC?

Why Should I Look into Hiring a Property Manager in Greenville, NC?

Investing in real estate can be lucrative, with 2024 potentially being one of the best times to invest. However, growing your investments requires having the right plan in place. Otherwise, you'll spread yourself too thin and won't be able to get ahead.

Hiring a professional property management company allows you to let go of the daily operational tasks that keep you running in circles, and finally start growing your business.

Are you ready to learn more? Read on to learn about the amazing benefits of hiring a professional property management service in Greenville, NC.

More Suitable Tenants

Perhaps one of the most challenging aspects of property management is finding suitable long-term tenants that will keep your property in good condition.

Screening tenants is an essential part of managing your investment properties and you need to have a good system in place. Checking a potential tenant's credit score, rental history, and employment history is necessary. It's also important to do a criminal history check on all potential tenants.

A professional property management company will create a tenant screening plan and ensure each tenant is screened the same way. Not only does this improve your chances of getting financially stable long-term tenants, but it also ensures you're following the rules of the Fair Housing Act.

The Fair Housing Act was established in 1968 and is a law that prohibits discrimination based on color, sex, race, religion, or national origin.

Fast and Effective Maintenance

Maintaining your property is a key part of property operations and making the most out of your investment. The problem is that even routine maintenance can become overwhelming when you're busy with other aspects of property management.

A property management company will take maintenance headaches out of your hands by tackling routine and emergency maintenance requests, like lawn care, trash removal, and overall daily upkeep.

They'll also follow a property management checklist which includes interior and exterior weekly maintenance like vacuuming and sweeping common areas and shoveling steps in the winter.

This allows you to tackle small problems before they become too costly and you'll have a safer property overall.

Professional Marketing Services

If your operating expenses are too high, it can be tempting to skimp on this part. However, doing that can lead to dramatic increases in long-term vacancies, which impacts business stability in the long run.

A solid marketing plan is one of the best ways to decrease vacancy rates, and a property management company can take you to a new level. To begin with, they'll ensure your rental price matches the market. Next, the property management company will assess the condition of the property and take quality photos.

In addition, the company will put together a plan using videos, 3D tours, and social media tools. Even better, companies like Flagship Realty Group have in-house marketing teams that know how to find high-quality tenants efficiently.

Hire a Professional Property Management Company Today

As you can see, when you're investing in properties, having a property management company will help you grow your investment in the right direction.

You can turn to Flagship Realty Group in Greenville, NC, for all your property management needs. We've been helping people succeed since 2007 by focusing on our real estate knowledge and the unique needs of our customers.

Our goal is to provide you with a professional and pleasant experience, regardless of the stage of investing you're in. Make sure to contact us today to discuss your property management needs!
